The British Army's capacity for internal reflection and rapid change has been sapped by an insular, conformist culture. While the US Army has undergone a marked period of transformation after a period of open critical appraisal, no exercise, analogous in size and scope, has taken place in the UK. Here, the author argues that this orthodoxy must be challenged and a new ethos of creative tension instilled in the military.
Hubris in the British Army has caused too little concern for too long. This article lays down a challenge for those who share the fear that, behind the façade, all is not well in the British Army and has not been for some time. A popular Chinese proverb, often employed as a curse, invites its target to ‘live in interesting times’. The curse is being lived through today in Britain – a serious economic recession, withdrawal from Iraq, failing confidence in the route chosen in Afghanistan, and a fin de siècle government. Calls for an inquiry into the road to war in Iraq and its subsequent conduct are beginning to converge with an impending Strategic Defence Review, potentially led by an opposition party already choosing to make clear that all current big-ticket defence projects are open to review. The media criticism of the conduct of the UK's campaign in Iraq and Afghanistan is becoming increasingly perceptive and acute, and is all the more so in the absence of public reflection by the military on what it has done well at and badly at in both conflicts. Recent editorials in The Economist, in terms of both quality and quantity, illustrate this point all too clearly.Footnote1
The UK and its military are therefore at a critical moment – one in which an urge to protect individual (political and senior military) and collective legacies will either follow one of two routes. The route of least resistance is to pass blame for all shortcomings on to a lame duck government. The second option, in the case of the British Army specifically and defence more generally, is to turn the critical mirror on itself. This mirror will lead to an acknowledgement of shortcomings. It will demonstrate unequivocally a willingness to learn, pay the price of failings, and a determination to adapt. The first of these choices fits a public appetite for blaming this government; it is convenient and follows a well worn military tradition and narrative. What it will not do is begin the journey, through a recognition of the UK military's hubris over the last ten years, to recover the ground lost with other professional armies who are too used to having been preached at and biting their tongues. The second of these choices begins, and only begins, what may be a long and painful journey. It would be deeply uncomfortable for many senior officers – as it should be. It may, if mishandled, deflect some of the blame from government – but this is no excuse for failing in this critical exercise.
The Background
There is a more immediate backdrop to these reflections in this article which provides an obvious starting point. At the end of 2005, Brigadier Aylwin-Foster offered the US military in its own in-house publication, the Military Review, some searing insights into its culture, organisation and approach to operations in Iraq. Not only did the US military publish without amendment this blunt and no holds barred appraisal;Footnote2 not only was Aylwin-Foster invited to speak about it further to a high-level US conference on counter-insurgency; but it then published in the following edition of Military Review a surprisingly measured and considered response.Footnote3
All is not well in the British Army
The long-term impact of the change in the US approach in Iraq and Afghanistan, is, of course, still unclear and remains the subject of enormous speculation. Indeed there may be some in the UK content to see it falter, because to see it succeed so obviously challenges the whole UK military approach to both theatres. But this should not overshadow just how difficult it is to do what General Petraeus and others have sought to do to the US Army. Yet the reality appears to be that none of these different themes – whether the confidence to accept external criticism, the courage to publicise painful internal reflection, the momentum built up by more junior officers for change – seem to have counterparts of such significance in the UK. The preparedness to accept external criticism, such as that most obviously voiced by Aylwin-Foster, contrasts uncomfortably with the absence of any such exchange of views in British professional literature. When was an equally critical appraisal of the UK military by an American or European officer last published in the British Army Review or any other British defence publication? The answer is never. However, cracks in the façade, as indicated by General David Richards in a recent Channel 4 documentary,Footnote6 suggest the state of denial is changing at last. But this does not explain why a process, underway in the US Army for the last four years, has had so little impact on the British Army for so long.
This paper attempts, albeit briefly, to explore these issues, fleshing out the principal charges, before offering one view as to how matters might be improved. It seeks to do so by first exploring the importance of perspective before examining the ‘why’; in this case, a climate for command and communication has not enabled the sort of radical adaptation required. It then concludes with some measures meant to revitalise the internal reflexive capability of the British Army, by making fundamental improvements to its culture and thereby to its ability to understand itself, and how it is perceived by friends and allies.
Searching for New Perspectives
Generations of US and European partners have grown up with the notion developed inside the British Army that it had more to teach than it had to learn. Generations too of foreign students at the UK Staff College have grown accustomed to the little or no interest paid to their own experiences, and still less to their unique perspective on the British approach. One has to wonder therefore what might be written by a foreign observer, if invited to produce an Aylwin-Foster type critique. It could be drawn from what an overseas officer might have been taught at the UK Staff College, what he or she might have understood from UK colleagues on operations, and what is all too readily available in open sources.Footnote7 Whatever the sources, it is clearly apparent that they would not be short of material. They might look at equipment procurement, doctrine, cross-government co-operation, officer education, training, structures, the selection of senior officers – the list could go on.
The route of least resistance is to pass blame for all shortcomings on to a lame duck government
At a more strategic level, Thomas Ricks's account in The Gamble of two advisers appointed to Generals Petraeus and Odierno is salutary. One adviser, a British woman, Emma Sky, simply cannot imagine a British Army general having space or appetite for her approach. Yet a closer analogy still is to imagine a senior British officer employing a foreign national, most obviously a US civilian, as his main adviser – surely an even less likely proposition. The other adviser is Sadi Othman: an ex-taxi driver, Palestinian-Jordanian by upbringing, born in Brazil, and re-naturalised as an American. He was undoubtedly key to the way that Petraeus thought about and engaged with his Iraqi counterparts. Again, as with Sky, it is not easy to imagine a British pro-consul employing a figure with such a background, and then promoting them against considerable resistance to such an influential position as that held by Othman.
To conclude this brief reflection on the importance of external perspectives, it is worth pondering John Nagl's recent comments to Stephen Grey about the British Army:Footnote9
Until you admit that you have a problem, until you admit that you are not doing everything as well as you can, it's really, really hard to get better. I haven't seen that same spirit of self criticism in the British Army. That sort of rigorous analysis would be enormously helpful … The British Army which has such a proud history in counter-insurgency campaigns has not done everything right in Helmand Province, did not do everything right in Basra. It needs to think hard about these lessons. I believe it needs to think publicly.
The Epicentre: Command Climate
The Chief of the General Staff's frequent controversial comments to the press on overstretch and valuing the nation's soldiers will seem to many external observers to represent a useful pressure valve.Footnote12 Equally, the steady outbursts by retired senior officers on similar issues will also come across as not unwelcome.Footnote13 But, crucially, they do not deal with or reflect the root causes of pressures that appear to have built up. Most importantly, there seems to be a feeling amongst middle tier officers that they are not listened to, are largely expendable and that their own hierarchy does not adequately reflect their concerns. This contrasts markedly with the very direct criticism by US officers of their own leaders’ ‘generalship’, where in Paul Yingling's article the hierarchy is accused of failing to deliver on its responsibilities to Congress and the state, and requires significant reform as a body to be fit for purpose.Footnote14 By contrast, in and amongst the noise generated by retired senior officers sounding off about resource shortages, there has been too little equivalent internal reflection on and acknowledgement of these same issues of command and hierarchy.
The US Army has undergone a quite remarkable transformation
One has to wonder what might be written by a foreign observer
The processes meant to govern and manage complex decision-making, policy formulation, and doctrine writing are equally under pressure. The UK staffing system, by process and culture, is one in which documents travel along complicated web-like chains of command, hitting repeated road blocks, and suffering delays. Senior officers are capable at any stage of reversing the advice of their staff. On occasion, this is paralysing. It has certainly been partly the cause of the tortuous gestation of the UK's own counter-insurgency doctrine – in contrast to the extraordinarily brief staffing process required to write and endorse the US equivalent. The outcome of this climate and associated processes is what business describes as ‘destructive consent’Footnote17 and is the antithesis of an organisation so proud of its conversion to and adoption of mission command.
The final issue in this section is that of senior officer performance. Again, there are worrying historical parallels, as well as contemporary parallels, with the US Army. In the UK, outside commentators have expressed doubts as to the rectitude of senior officers too busy pursuing the next rung on the ladder to speak out with sufficient conviction and vigour to have an impact,Footnote18 whilst at the same time internally nothing is said or done. A process of Darwinian selection has typically occurred inside all successful armies at senior officer level during conflict. Any military historian will be able to identify large numbers of senior officers during the Second World War who were found wanting and sacked. Equally, any serving middle ranking officer will know of commanders at sub unit level and below who have been relieved of command, or (more euphemistically) ‘short toured’. But few will have evidence of the same process applying at senior officer level today. So should external observers really be expected to believe that this adaptive process, a historical reality regardless of how well selection and training has improved since the Second World War, and which has affected the US Army,Footnote19 is not applicable to the British Army of today?
Consider these strands together and it is impossible not to conclude that there have been, and still are, serious systemic shortcomings in the system. It should be impossible for the senior leadership to ignore this strongly held perception, not least since it is one increasingly played out in the media, and is therefore all too evident to external observers.Footnote20 It has led to a command climate in which bad news is routinely camouflaged and where the ability of junior officers to influence a future which they will be inheriting is distinctly limited. It is one described by Tim Collins as one in which ‘obsequious behaviour by career-conscious senior officers on the ground’Footnote21 contributes to a sadly muddled picture in Whitehall. Being unable to accept being submerged, their views diluted or just unheard, many of the more talented officers will probably have been long lost to the armed forces altogether through departure to less stratified civilian employment. It is certainly not unusual to hear UK contemporaries express the view that there are no heretics left, few non-conformists and not enough original thinkers. And since the British Army monitors only its quantitative losses in manpower, it simply has no feel for how much of its quality has left prematurely. There is meanwhile a smug satisfaction that in the teeth of a recession it knows that the numbers are fine, but this cannot hide what many middle ranking officers and ex-officers know is the truth – far too many high quality officers have in fact left for precisely the reasons described above.
In summary, a range of observed phenomena gives rise for concern. The current climate, with themes of deteriorating communication, intolerance of dissent, tolerance of toxicity, poorly designed processes and perceived tolerance of inadequate senior officer performance, is a real obstacle to learning and adapting. It plagues the UK military every bit as it does many other militaries. The climate needs redressing urgently.
The Response
The US Army's response to its cultural and institutional problems required the coming together of some very unusual circumstances: a retired four-star general, Jack Keane, able to circumvent the chain of command; a growing groundswell of opinion amongst middle ranking US officers that neither the strategy nor the tactics on the ground were coherent and consistent with each other; enough space for middle ranking officers to experiment successfully (McMaster in Tal Afar); and a willingness by key senior officers to reach out, accept and absorb external criticism, and react to it with real despatch. The key catalyst in this endeavour was the role played by General Petraeus: most evidently his humility in reaching out, his confidence in accepting and embracing debate, and his wisdom in harnessing what his more junior officers now understood on the ground. And so a set of questions for the British experience arises: if the British Army has now reached, or perhaps passed, an analogous crisis point, how should it respond? Even more critically, what can it do to ensure that a crisis point, borne of an insular culture, a belief in its ‘omniscience and rectitude’,Footnote22 is never reached at any future point?
In the absence of meaningful internal debate, external perspectives are as good a tool as any
There seems to be a feeling amongst middle tier officers that they are not listened to
Additional information
Notes on contributors
Patrick Little
Patrick Little is a recently retired infantry officer and Advanced Command and Staff graduate, who left the Army last year after a sixteen year career. He has served on operations in Northern Ireland, Bosnia and Afghanistan. He has also worked in South Africa and Ghana on security sector reform projects. His last job as a serving officer was as a desk officer at the Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre in ShrivenhamNotes
1. For example, ‘Britain's armed forces: losing their way?’, The Economist, 29 January 2009; ‘Overstretched, overwhelmed and over there’, The Economist, 29 January 2009.
2. Nigel R F Aylwin-Foster, ‘Changing the Army for Counterinsurgency Operations’, Military Review (Vol. 85, No. 6, November–December 2005).
3. Kevin Benson, ‘Turning the Other Cheek: A Rebuttal to Brigadier Aylwin-Foster’, Military Review (March–April 2006).
4. John Nagl, Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife: Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005).
5. Paul Yingling, ‘A Failure of Generalship’, Armed Forces Journal (May 2007).
6. David Richards in Channel 4 Dispatches, Afghanistan – Mission Impossible, 6 April 2009.
7. This might for instance include the Army Rumour Service website (www.arrse.co.uk), which is now heavily mined by the media looking for defence stories.
8. The UK maintains an extensive organisational and procedural architecture ostensibly to capture operational lessons (mistakes and successes), analyse them and disseminate them, in order to prevent units from repeating mistakes or being unaware of successes.
9. John Nagl in Channel 4 Dispatches, op. cit.
10. Respectively a US Army Lieutenant Colonel, a US Marine Lieutenant Colonel and an Australian Army Lieutenant Colonel.
11. William Owen, ‘The Possible Superiority of Symmetric Warfare’, British Army Review (No. 135, Autumn 2005).
12. See, for example, Michael Evans, ‘Army chief predicts a “generation of conflict”’, The Times, 28 August 2007.
13. The period beginning 22 November 2007 has been marked by unprecedented levels of criticism by retired senior officers now sitting in the House of Lords. See Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Under-strength and under strain as experienced soldiers queue to quit’, Guardian, 23 November 2007.
14. See also Yingling, op. cit.
15. Stuart Tootal in Channel 4 Dispatches, op. cit.
16. Denise Williams, ‘Toxic leadership in the US Army’, US Army War College Strategic Research Project (January 2005), <http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/ksil3.pdf>.
17. Keith Grint quoted in interview with Clare Gascoigne, ‘Leading from the front – the end of traditional management?’, The Times, 6 February 2005, <http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/article512815.ece>.
18. See Rod Liddle, ‘General takes aim at Brown … and shoots himself in the foot’, Sunday Times, 25 November 2007.
19. Noting the very recent and very public ‘short touring’ of General McKiernan, former COMISAF.
20. Thomas Harding, ‘Major declares war on “lies and negligence”’, Daily Telegraph, 7 March 2009.
21. Tim Collins, ‘We're going – and good riddance’, Guardian, 10 December 2008.
22. John Kiszely, ‘Learning about Counter-Insurgency’, RUSI Journal (Vol. 151, No. 6, December 2006).
23. A name given to an internal unfunded army exercise to bring about major changes to the scope, focus and flavour of its training – being unfunded it has major limitations, but will bring about some short term improvements in preparation for operations.
24. Jeremy Blackham, British Army Review (No. 136, Spring 2005).
25. ‘Aggressive red teams challenge emerging operational concepts in order to discover weaknesses before real adversaries do. Red teaming also tempers the complacency that often follows success.’ Memorandum for Chairman, Defense Science Board, quoted in Defense Science Board Task Force on The Role and Status of [Department of Defense] Red Teaming Activities (Washington, DC: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, September 2003).
26. David Kilcullen, The Accidental Guerrilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Midst of a Big One (London: Hurst & Co, 2009).
27. Keith Grint quoted in interview with Gascoigne, op. cit.